Alain Briottet – CV – Translated into English (French version available upon request)
BRIOTTET, Alain Marcel, Diplomat, Former Ambassador, Minister Plenipotentiary (E.R.), born January 28, 1939 in Paris, son of Marcel Briottet, Professor, and of Mrs., born Marie-José Murat.
AUTHOR: « Boston, un hiver si court », Editions du Rocher, Paris (2007)
« Sine Die » Les Editions Illador, Versailles, France, March 2016
« L’esprit des lois et la constitution américaine, discours prononce a la Boston Public Library, Editions Bilingue, Société Historique Franco-Américaine, 1988
High School of the Francs-Bourgeois, Paris
Graduate of the Institute of Political Studies of Paris
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences of Paris
Diploma, graduate studies in Public Law
Laureate from the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences of Paris
Attaché to the Executive Management of Cultural and Technical Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris (1964-1968)
Secretary of the Embassy in Turkey in charge of Press and Information (1968-70)
Ambassador to theRepublic of the French Presidency (1970-73)
Technical Consultant to the offices of the following successive Ministers of Foreign Affairs: Michel Jobert (1973-74), Jean Sauvagnargues (1974-76), Louis de Guiringaud (1976-78), Louis de Guiringaud (1976-78.
Chief of Staff for Olivier Stirn, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1978-81)
Assistant Director of the Pacific Management of Asia and Oceania ((1981-85)
Consul General of France in Boston, MA USA (1985-90)
Ambassador of France in Burma (1990-94)
Ambassador of France in Finland (1994-98)
Executive Director to the Director of the Americas and the Caribbeans (1998-99)
Ambassador of France in Bangladesh (1999-2000)
Coordinator for the Mission of Parliamentary Information on Srebrenica (2001)
Ambassador Delegate to the Regional Cooperation in the Antilles-Guyana Zone (2001-03)
Ambassador of France for the Organization of the Caribbean States (2002-03)
Administrator for the French Library in Boston, MA, USA (2003)
Member of the International Richelieu Foundation in Ottawa, Canada
Member of the Foreign Missions in Paris
Vice President of the Association of Franciscan Missions (2004-07)
Member of the Society of Diplomatic History
Secretary General of the Georges Pompidou Association (2005-2011)
Commander in the Legion of Honor and several other Foreign Orders
Honorary Doctorate, Assumption College, Worcester, MA, USA
About the author